Donate Your Unwanted Belongings When Moving Out

A move is the perfect opportunity to assess your personal inventory. As the house goes in boxes and the closets get emptied you have a chance to give everything the once over. Clothes are always good for a little purging. There are practical purposes like lightening your load for an easier move. Also, the more room you make in your new closet, there is that much more room for new clothes!
All of the above reasons are great, but there is no greater joy associated with going through your wardrobe than the chance to do good. If you’re in the midst of a move, take a look at your gently used clothes.
They may not make it to your new home, but they’ll always have a home at your neighbourhood Red Cross Charity Shop.
Red Cross: A little piece of history
The Red Cross is an internationally recognized organization involved in a wide array of charitable works. The British Red Cross was founded in 1863, employs 2600 people, and has 30,000 volunteers.
A central figure in wars and disasters for the last 150 years, the Red Cross is an organization worthy of your support. It’s easy to get involved with your local Red Cross, but it’s even easier to donate. No matter the territory, no matter the city, there is a Red Cross near you.
How and What to Donate in Red Cross Charity Shops?
If you want more information on how and why to donate to the Red Cross, there are plenty of resources online, but here is a basic primer.
In any given year the Red Cross aids 500,000 people in countries all over the world. The labour is largely volunteer, and donations from everyday citizens support efforts to not only help those abroad, but members of your own community. As for what to donate, the Red Cross takes most household items.
Anything from unwanted gifts to DVDs to shoes to men and women’s clothing, it all has a place. Some Red Cross Charity Shops can take furniture donations and electronics, but you’ll need to check first. They can’t take medication or safety equipment or toys without the relevant safety labels.
Where Are the Red Cross Charity Shops in London?
As for Red Cross Charity Shops near you, whether you visit the Crediton location on High Street in Exeter, the Norwich location on St. Benedicts Rd, or the Droylsden location in Manchester, you can be sure the chance to do good is never too far away.
You can always check online for the closest red cross charity shop.
When your house move comes, feel good about it. The hired help from 247manandvan will have less to move, and you’ve done a charitable act in the process. You’ve supported your local Red Cross, and in turn, a fellow human being in need.
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